(And I know you hate it when people don't adress to you as "Dr. Jones", but I am your brother after all, and I've known you all my life... "But not mine", you would say...). I hope your health is better than that of your patients when you receive this letter.
I have to tell you, today, I found something amazing. A Spider had built a web near my entrance door. The morning rain had fill the silk with little waterdrops. I took a picture with my camera, and then I drew it on a canvas. Obviously, I could only send you the picture. Now, why would the spider build its web near my front door, if not so that I could paint and photograph it? Do you really believe the spider would build its web in a place where the water would likely destroy the animal's home, if it weren't a bless from some greater will, that wanted me to recor such beauty? Now, go ahead and try to tell me there is a reasonable explainations for the fact that the spider built its home in such an hostile enviornment...
And that's not all, my brother. See, you always say feelings can me racionaly explained, and that reason is what separates us from animals like the spider... But we wouldn't be humans if we didn't have feeling, and i have nourished feelings for a young lady I've met last week. She is a painter herself, and she too, thinks the spider in my doorstep was a blessing from art itself. And you see... Animals, they folow reason, not feelings. Spiders... They can't feel love, can they? If they do, why does the Black-Widow kill and eat its male partner once they have mate? Is that a feeling, or is it the reason that tells her he won't do her no good, and will only make her burn energy that she has to keep for its youngs? Reason... Reason tells the Black-Wodow it's best to kill its mate. Feelings tell humans we have to let our mate live...
The lady I wrote about, remember? She is married. And now, feelings tell me to let her live. Reason... Oh, I wish I was like you, I wish i could guide myself in the path of reason alone, and tell her about my feelings... But as we two use to say (and this is the only thing we both agree on): "Feeling and Reason. One Cannot co-exist with the other". Now, more than ever, I wish they would.
I have to go... a friend of mine is interested on the Spider painting... I better rush to is house before he changes his mind.
Cheers, goodbye, and hugs from your beloved brother,
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